Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Why do we dream in our sleep?

Answer to that:

An extract if you are too lazy to read.


Psychological theorists of dreams focus upon our thoughts and emotions, and speculate that dreams deal with immediate concerns in our lives, such as unfinished business from the day, or concerns we are incapable of handling during the course of the day. Dreams can, in fact, teach us things about ourselves that we are unaware of.

Connections between dreams that the human psyche have been made by many people over thousands of years. The famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle wrote in his "Parva Naturalia," over 2,200 years ago, of a connection between dreams, waking experiences, and emotional needs.

Others have delved into more complicated explanations for dreams, such as the prophetic nature of dreams written of in the Bible, which was and is a belief held by many cultures. Sigmund Freud, one of the fathers of modern psychology, believed dreams to be symbolic of any number of things buried deep within our minds and our memories."

I don't usually remember my dreams. Perhaps for that waking moment? After that, I'm sorry.

Is there really a message behind every dream? Don't know. How about the occasional Deja Vu? I really experienced it before. How to explain? Don't know.

Is there really the saying of you dream in the night, what you think of in the day? (some Chinese saying) Don't know. So many unknowns. How to solve?

Anyway, this feeling sucks. Some things are just not meant to be. I guess.


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