Sunday, February 17, 2008

Without You

It is always times like these that I wished that you were there with me.

And so I did the most random stuff that one could have done. I plonked myself in McDonald's and read my book. It is quite sad that people growing up nowadays don't have the time to read anything other than their textbooks or course pack. That is reality, but I never believe that is the balanced life that we should be leading.

And also, like I've mentioned to some friends before, the qi4 zhi2 that a girl possess which she reads is totally different. Of course the material that she is reading do make a very important aspect of it, it has to be 'substantial' at least. Nothing against people reading manga or some gossip magazines as I do have such indulgences as well. Books Kinokuniya is an interesting place, and I only visit the Orchard branch for its amazing selection. Pageone is slowly creeping up my list though for their Chinese language books.

And that couple I saw last night, I sure hope they are ok. Though the girl just started crying out of nothing under the lamp post, at least I though it wasn't his fault. She appeared to be crying still when they rode away. I hope she's ok.

It is always times like these that I wished that you were there with me.

This sound is on the repeat at the moment. For me.

Mariah Carey - Without you

A fitting song I guess.

It is always times like these that I wished that you were there with me.


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