Chingay Preview.
A very long post. Be patient for photos to load.
3rd Feb 2006. Departing from Jurong, made my way to City Hall. Picked up something from City Link Mall. Went to Orchard after that. Was in town to catch the Chingay 2006 Preview. Met up at Tangs and walked down to Centerpoint. The entrance was at Orchard Point. As we were early, sat down at Coffeebean and talked a bit. Had a Pure Vanilla Ice Blended. It's been like so long since I had Coffeebean since switching to Starbucks.
Well, was 'entertained' by the pre-parade performers. Not to mention, the very female host, who is very "proficient" in her Mandarin. And she was like supposed to be the Mandarin host for the event, at least for our sector of seats. I think my sister can speak better than her.
Ok now, will let some of the photos that I took do the talking. Not all the performers were featured la. Only posted the interesting ones.
Motivators getting their final briefing.
The empty Orchard Rd.
The not-too-bad pre-parade pipe band performance.
3rd Feb 2006. Departing from Jurong, made my way to City Hall. Picked up something from City Link Mall. Went to Orchard after that. Was in town to catch the Chingay 2006 Preview. Met up at Tangs and walked down to Centerpoint. The entrance was at Orchard Point. As we were early, sat down at Coffeebean and talked a bit. Had a Pure Vanilla Ice Blended. It's been like so long since I had Coffeebean since switching to Starbucks.
Well, was 'entertained' by the pre-parade performers. Not to mention, the very female host, who is very "proficient" in her Mandarin. And she was like supposed to be the Mandarin host for the event, at least for our sector of seats. I think my sister can speak better than her.
Ok now, will let some of the photos that I took do the talking. Not all the performers were featured la. Only posted the interesting ones.

As u can see, we waited from light till dark and the parade has not even started! So darn draggy! We were grumbling why the pre-parade segment was so lousy. Waited till coming to 9pm, before the actual parade.
The Police band kick started the actual parade.
They were formed up in the background.

At Form Up Point, the performers were making the final prep for the evening.
The 1st float out, the giant doggy to usher in the new year!
Cute doggys!
Giant flags were next. Some close calls witht the overhead cable and trees.
Our friends from Zhejiang, China.
Together with the support of Gim Tim Group of Restaurants.

School performers were next. RJC was the first. Colourful floats, colourful dancers.
Always The Real Thing!
Pink Dancers.
More dancers.

NUS was next. 1st time participation from them. *If I remember correctly.* 40 performers from Sheares Hall. Shared some interesting opinions while watching these under grads. *If u are are reading this, I think u remember what I said about them. LOL* Nonetheless, here goes..
The side of the float read 'MID WAY FAIR'.
STB tagged along NUS with its Uniquely Singapore.

After NUS, the University of Tai Nan, Taiwan, was up. Bringing to us, the ancient martial arts performance.
University of Tai-nan, Taiwan
Their uniform for the night.
So garang.

VJC followed closely behind. Well, VJ is good for their cheers and school spirit thingy la, wished that they were the motivators instead. At least I feel that they will be more fang4 de2 kai1 to bring up the atmosphere.
Drummers in action.
Stunts on the ladder.

Friends from Ireland was next. Looked really cute and interesting!
Big heads! Can u spot the small head below?
Hockey anyone?
Dance your way to good health with Eu Yan Seng TCM.
Dance Horizon Troupe
Dancers on wheels.
The look-like-shit man! LOL

Some misc. photos.

The Singapore Zoologial Gardens had some interesting diaplays as well.
Bear and Giraffe.
More animals.
The Jurong Bird Park. *not wanting to lose out I guess.*

The finale of the entire thingy was the 500 strong dragon dance performance. Was make possible by people from all races and overseas performers. Dragons were everywhere! A nice cap to the fantastic displays we were treated to.
Ushering in the 'king' dragon are the little dragons by the side.
The majestic finale to Chingay 2006.

So, the evening ended with the dragon dance, but the night was not over yet. There's still time for supper!! Making our way from Orchard, we took a bus down to Casuarina for prata. Caught the last bus down. Upon arrival, placed our orders and waited. What took us by surprise was how early they close! Slightly after 12mn, they started clearing up and people were leaving! Our food arrived and we finished up hastily. *mental note: head elsewhere for late night prata*
So we kinda finished our food and moved on. Moved on to where u may ask? Hmm.. Skip this part. LOL..
Arrived home at ard 2am. Washed up, sleep. As I am writing these, my body is aching from the ice skating yesterday. LOL...
So we kinda finished our food and moved on. Moved on to where u may ask? Hmm.. Skip this part. LOL..
Arrived home at ard 2am. Washed up, sleep. As I am writing these, my body is aching from the ice skating yesterday. LOL...
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