Monday, January 07, 2008


So I did not really make any resolutions this year due to the simple fact that we never keep to fulfilling our resolutions. So what is the point if you are left disappointed at the end of each year, realising that you did not fulfill any? So I decided to skip it all together.

So what is the point of this post? Don't know. Haha.

Ok I won't call them resolutions, but then there are some things which I felt need to be sorted out this year.

Firstly, I gotta get my act together again. 2007 was a year of too many troughs Rather, it began as a trough and continued as a bottomless valley. That sums up my 2007. So perhaps a little step towards the top might be a good start.

Second, ok lets not have a second, or a third, or..

Keeping everything together for now, will be the best I can ask for.

Like I've always comfort myself, no expectations = no disappointments. Anything else is a bonus.


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