Monday, March 03, 2008

It lived.

The moment when I pressed the ON button, and 5 second after you started spinning, you died on me.

WTF was the exact feeling then. Countless tries later, I gave up. Resigned to fate that it is time I sent you for treatment.

Coming home, I digged the drawer for your papers. Planning the schedule for the treatment session later. And just before turning in, I looked at you. There you are starring back at me. Mentally I heard the voice that I should not give up. So I gave you my final moment. You jumped at me like a child who hasn't seen his parent after a long absence.

Deep inside me I was relieved. For I know the time for another companion is not now. The apple got to wait.


Every time I see the figure of the view counter changes, I often wonder who are the ones reading this blog. Many a time I was tempted to 'lock' this blog so I know who are the ones reading it. Then again it would not serve its purpose of this blog. Wells. In any case, I won't make any changes to it. Old timers just bear with me. Newcomers just feel free...


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