Earth Hour
Earth hour was not as great as expected? It packed a new idea full of excitement, but I guess we are all too busy to take some time off and think of the lesser, such as the environment, yet. I let some photos speak to you.
During the event
Ghastly woman with Apple
Another one
After 60 minutes, there was light again
So that was Earth hour for you? Nothing really spectacular in this part of the world. We bought fast food and had a sort of picnic on the steps outside Esplanade. Wasn't too bad I guess. Sitting under the night sky as the event happen. Talking about stuffs the entire time. Talking about things which I guess we will only tell each other. LOL. Hor? We talked about so much that we totally forgot about time. So much that I don't know where to start telling you here. So I shall not. Yup. Probably best saved for another time. Or not. I guess we covered most aspects of life? Quite funny actually. And lots of revalations!! OMG!!!!!!! Haha. But well I guess we had fun amidst the anti-climax? I knew I did. It is always nice to spend time with people that you can talk to. And no, NO ECONOMICS SENSE here. I really mean it. :)
Before the Event
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