Was supposed to get this done last night before I forgot but, I fell asleep. Haa. So rewind to yesterday.
I brought the Mac in for servicing and was promptly quoted 883 for the logic board replacement. It was rather close to the 1k that I had expected. So.. Time to shop for a new one :))
Upon exiting the train station, I was reminded of those days back in school whereby it was my primary mode of transport. The good 'ol days whereby it didn't break down.. Haha. So as I exit the station after being hit by a wall of hot humid air, I played this particular track on the playlist. A track that I always listened to whenever I was walking home from there. Except this time it wasn't on the iPod video.
Realised I took roughly the same amount of time to walk back, confirmed by the 'checkpoints' in the song. Haha.. It is a little 无聊, but somewhat nostalgic moment.
I brought the Mac in for servicing and was promptly quoted 883 for the logic board replacement. It was rather close to the 1k that I had expected. So.. Time to shop for a new one :))
Upon exiting the train station, I was reminded of those days back in school whereby it was my primary mode of transport. The good 'ol days whereby it didn't break down.. Haha. So as I exit the station after being hit by a wall of hot humid air, I played this particular track on the playlist. A track that I always listened to whenever I was walking home from there. Except this time it wasn't on the iPod video.
Realised I took roughly the same amount of time to walk back, confirmed by the 'checkpoints' in the song. Haha.. It is a little 无聊, but somewhat nostalgic moment.
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