Saturday, June 24, 2006

A Lot.

Earlier today, a lot of things went thru my mind. Thought about a lot of things, but nothing in particular. Everything was just flashing thru and none of them will stay for a moment longer for me to ponder.

Suddenly I realised that I have very little memories of my earlier days. Days when I was still a little boy. I mean other than the major happenings, I cannot recall must of my life. Was it because I was till young? My brain cannot store so much yet? I don't know. Or subconsciously I chose to lock these memories deep behind me? I have no I-dea.

I guess everybody has this particular 'life' that they will choose to lock away deep inside them. I am no special case. Sometimes I feel that everything is bursting out, too much to keep. And I have this urge to pour everything out of me. To a stranger. A counselor maybe? Well, cos I felt that not having any ties with the person makes it easier for me to open up. Lesser complications. Haha, seems that my xin1 ji1 very heavy hor?

I do get melancholic at times. Times where I really just want to give up everything and leave. Hah, silly right? But there is just so much that I cannot bear.

My life was not what it used to be. I can see the change from young till now. Things have remained and some had changed for better and worst. Sometimes it gets quite disheartening. Question marks appear as and when they like. And it is up to you to find the suitable answers. Nobody will judge you on your decisions. It is how you answer to yourself.

Quite a stupid post hor? Reading it over, I don't see the link in some areas. But these are the thoughts when I was typing. Haha. Don't read too deep into everything. It may not make any sense at all.

Till then. Ciaoz..


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