
Went out with several of my friends. 8 of them to be exact. Watched A Chinese Tall Story. Heh, it was damn crap. Totally screwed up story of Journey to The West. I think the original author will turn in his grave if he saw this. LOL. However, despite sitting in the 2nd row from the front, the hilarious story line and acting did make up for the lousy seats. Well, can go catch show if u want a good laugh. DO NOT be too critical or you will waste your money. :P
Yeah, movie was followed by dinner of course. Went from PS to Orchard. Finally settled for dinner at N.Y.D.C. at Wheelock Place. Well, all 9 of us had pasta. Chilled out at Starbucks at Liat Towers. Literally chill-ed out coz the aircon was really cold. Kinda gossip a little, heh, yes, all 9 of us were guys. TF n Clemz came to meet up for awhile after they were done with their matters. After that, it is home sweet home. Overall, not a bad outing. The mood was casual and there were no "silent" moments. So, a success? Haha..
Erm, well, gotta book in later the day le. Kinda sad my break is ending. Kinda underwent the Civilian Conversion Course le. More of such courses to come. The more the merrier. *cheers*
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