Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Right so it has been a couple of days since I last posted anything. One week to be exact. Couldn't really remember what happened in the week that past though. Getting old. Bah.

Watched a couple of episode of the HK drama Healing Hands 3. Think ER in Hong Kong. Coupled with complex relationships, you get the point.

But one thing struck me in the closing minutes of the episode last night. It was this conversation between Sarah and Henry. Not the exact, but the essence of it goes something like this:

Henry: (Talking about the missed chances with Sarah).. Sometimes I wonder if it is the wrong person, or the wrong timing.
Sarah: 5 years. 5 years later my cancer has returned. Though it is not cervical, it is now in my pelvis. Bone cancer.
Sarah: Celebrating my birthday today? I don't even know if I will be around this time next year. What is there to celebrate?
Sarah: (Not wanting to be a burden to Henry, and choosing to suffer alone) I am sorry, I am the wrong person.
Henry: Sarah, nobody knows for sure if they will be around next year.
Henry: I will celebrate your birthday with you every year. (Enter into an embrace with Sarah)

Something to make you think about the relations that humans share with each other.

On a side note, car wash never fails to affect me they way they do. *Refer to the car wash post some time back* It was a pleasant trip that night with Gummy Bears in the car. Oops. :)


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