Tuesday, June 05, 2012

I was looking over the stuff that I have written over the years, ramblings to be precise, cyberspace or physical notes. Cryptic, morbid and somewhat cynical; the conclusions that I drew from them haha. Those that are public tend to be a little more restrained, I made them that way. Unless I really want you to know. While those in the book tend to be a lot more personal and safe in the knowledge that I'm the only one with access to it. I cannot say that I remember what all the individual posts are about, I confuse even myself sometimes with the crypticness rofl; but the more significant ones of course I do, and some of the emotions that were imbued then when they were written. Though I feel that the notes are pretty senseless and illogical. Anyone interested to read them? 

Just on Sunday I was reminded of how much we must have changed over the years of growing up, and how we used to be.

There has always been this sense of idealism in my life. But usually everything is far from ideal. I try to manage.

Every time we feel that life is unfair, we may have already been compensated in ways that we never realised. So take a moment, stop, and appreciate.


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