Monday, May 28, 2012

The truth is I dislike running, any form of it. I am fully for the notion that nobody will enjoy running like how one likes snoozing in bed when the alarm goes off in the morning. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I stand with the majority. We run for many different reasons; most commonly IPPT for the guys; keeping our weight in check; or simply peer pressure.

I have always struggled with this activity. I was never the fastest nor could I run the longest. This love-hate relationship started back in 2003. The dread of starting a day in the unearthly hour of 0500 every morning with a run, often with the cold sticky air remains vivid in my memory.

Between interval trainings aka power runs and going long distances, I have my fair share of mixed emotions about them. The former; you know after achieving the target timing and laps the run is over. The latter; well, best done with a form of motivation like friends, or any matters that you need to think it through. Between the two, I would choose interval training. The suffering will be over before we even know it. Oh and did I mention the rush you feel when you meet your targets? Yeah, it feels kinda good.

So last night the bunch of us decided to embark on this crazy idea. We are going to provide moral and logistic support to our friends who, willingly or not, signed up for the sundown full marathon. So we forsook our beauty sleep and met at ECP. Groundsheet spread out, ice box by the side, cyalume sticks activated for identification and we took out place beside the route that they will be running. Picnic we thought we are having, but the heavens had other ideas. The wind picked up and the clouds gathered, soon thunder roared and lightning streaked across the sky. The drizzle soon grew in strength into a downpour. Runners were getting drenched while we took shelter in McD. Runners grimaced in pain from cramps, abrasions or simply fatigue; and couples who fought the elements hand in hand literally :) Those who decided to call it quit soon found themselves having an early breakfast.

James, Jon and YH appeared at the timing we thought they would. Tried our best to talk them into hitching a ride back to the start point to collect their stuff, but we didn't succeed. Haha. Some 损友 we were. So after seeing them off for their second half of the distance, we had our breakfast and prepared for them come by again. But they had already past us. So five of us, under four umbrellas as the rain pelted down; it was quite a comical sight. I was back at seven, and straight to bed I went after I washed up.

Went to do make payment for the dive trip as well. After much delay we've finally confirmed a date. It will be a good getaway. After all, we are going to breathe bottled air.


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