Saturday, October 25, 2008

I realised, okay actually I knew, that I was unable to blog anything coherent if I attempt to multi-task. So I promise I won't tonight.

Rewind to Thursday night. Wet night. Wet. Very wet. Dampening wet. You get the point. Failed Holland Village resulted in somewhere else. McDonald's for dinner again, no surprise there I guess. Haha cheesecake from McCafe has a whole room for improvement. Probably should have gotten a slice from opposite instead. Oh wells, never know until we try certain things. Right? *Ponder about other stuffs..*

And I guess it feels good to have nice friends that you know you can depend on. Right? And I think the length of friendship isn't really the factor here. Like how I feel some of my army pals seem to outshine other friends that I have known much longer. And of course the others, you know who you are, *late night suppers and talks*, ought to ring a bell or two, right? No? Haha. You people are great. It further strengthens my stand of that it is better to have a few close true friends than an entire backyard of acquaintances.

Today was a rather lazy day. Got my work done earlier the day, before dinner that is. Headed out for a while to do what I do best. Nothing exciting actually. Save perhaps I was almost tempted to catch a movie? Alone? Haha. Oh wells. Oh! And maybe the discovery of a packet of Amos cookies that I left in one of my bag for probably coming to 2 weeks alr? Why thank you very much that it is still tastier than the ones from the supermarket. Getting my fingers all dirty typing and eating. No crumbs have landed for that aspect though. Will clean up my keyboard after this. Rather now. Since I am finishing this up. Right about now.

*I am probably not even what I thought?*


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