Friday, March 13, 2009

My sister bake in her free time. And she is very free. So she bake a lot. Make sense? Haha.

Oh Bobbi is here to stay again. He's saying hi. :) At least there is someone to talk to when the house is empty.

A lot of food, for a hungry night. Too full to remember anything about taking the empty plates.

As I mourn the passing of the black, I ordered the red to take its place. Finally. Before they are taken off the shelves.

Sometimes, life just feels this way? In a blur. Whether the passing of it, or any, it is a blur. Or maybe my life has been shitty nowadays. Haha. Tend to have a compounding effect. Perhaps I am not at rock bottom. Yet.

It is Friday the 13th.

I don't know what to write... Or where should I even start... Consciously thinking of what comes out from my mouth is shag. Even unnatural.


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