Wednesday, February 08, 2012

A little quiet these days.

元宵节 just past us by on Monday, it marks the end of the 15 days lunar new year celebrations. A little late, but it is already the second month of the new year already, talk about time flying past us. Old wives tales talked about how weird stuff happens on the night of the full moon, no I did not turn lunatic nor become a fang-baring wolf, instead I woke up to find my bowel in a state of disagreement with me. You can imagine the rest. Somewhat concluded that loaf of wholemeal bread is the cause and is contaminated somehow, since it was the only thing extra that I had from the rest of the household. There are also times where I had the urge to hug the toilet bowl, aside from sitting on it, to puke. Falling asleep at weird hours resulted in me being awake now. Sucks to be ill.  

Neighbour commented about how easily it is for our generation to call it quits and we make no hesitation about job hopping when we find ourselves stuck in a rut, who wouldn't, right? And how different it was from our parents seeking stability. I guess times are different. We are considered many times more fortunate than they were, at least we didn't have to worry about nation building and stuff that the men-in-white loved to constantly remind us about. Our generation tend to place a higher utility on happiness, at least I feel that we try very hard to. However along the years the line between being happy and feeling happy is perhaps blurred. Are we really happy with the change? Or did we trick ourselves into thinking that we are indeed? Random senseless ramblings when the mind is not functioning.

A revelation. Because sometimes we got to ask ourselves, is it worth it? The way things go, at the end of the day, it is all for naught. In the dead of the night, you realised how deafening your heartbeat actually is; and silence is something you can actually. When the morning comes you will be leaving here. 


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