Saturday, February 18, 2012

Today I witnessed an irony. I was at Vivocity hence I decided to drop by the soon-to-be close down bookshop that is Pageone. It was by far the larges crowd that I’ve seen inside. Shelves were empty and people all over. Reason being there is a closing down clearance sale of at least 50% off the price of any given book. If you are familiar with the layout of the store, the queue for payment extended from the cashiers all the way to the end of the store, all the way into where used to be the graphic novels and comics section. Now here comes the irony, if everybody was indeed that interested to own whatever books they were going to pay for, why didn’t they do so when they were full priced? Meaning which if the books remained full priced, they would not have purchase it? So it is a matter of purchasing for the sake of the sale, bringing back stuff that eventually you will not revisit? Just some random thoughts that I had while I was browsing. Everybody loves a good bargain, I have been guilty of such purchases from books warehouse sales. Books which sat neatly in a pile by the corner and collected dust after I bought them; books which I bought because I had half the heart to read them and because they were cheap.

I did clear the backlog of unread ones, slowly. I didn’t devour them like what I usually do. I learnt my lesson, eventually. For it was quite a torture to bring myself to finish something that I was only half interested in, and I was running out of space to store them. The latter is a more pressing issue. ROFL. If not for the email to renew my Kinokuniya card, I would not have realized that it had already expired for a good couple of months. Yes it was that long since I last visited the place, let alone purchase a book anywhere else. An improvement? I guess it is time to make use of the vouchers they are giving me for renewing it. I know I can be such a sucker for such stuff. Perhaps next week.

Feeling nostalgic, I dug out more stuff that I have written about 6 years ago. I shook my head in disbelief and cringed at the content. I laughed at how foolish I was despite claiming otherwise. I believed that I must have changed from then. We all do, right? Some things don't change though. Like how I can be a difficult person, I still do. Heh.


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