Sunday, December 22, 2013

Love Actually.

I remember watching Love Actually in the cinema a decade ago, and I think the ticket stub is still lying somewhere in my drawers. Yes, it has been 10 years.

And I thought this article was interesting.

It remains one of my favourite movies; I know, how is that even possible! You must be screaming, for someone so logical and rational. But yeah it is my go-to movie for after anything especially foul. The other movie probably being Notting Hill. Perhaps it is the little bits of idealism and romanticism in the shows that all of us should indulge in from time to time. And for reminding us that we are only humans.

Here's my three favourite scene from the movie. Enjoy!

The Mark, Juliet and Peter triangle..

Jamie and Aurelia

The original airport scene that didn't make the cut and instead got shortened. 那种没有顾虑很纯粹的喜欢

Lastly, I've associated this theme with Christmas ever since. :))


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