Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Relationship is defined as :
  1. The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
  2. Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
  3. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other: has a close relationship with his siblings.
  4. A romantic or sexual involvement.
Is it a very fragile thing? I would say, YES.

Just got to know that a friend of mine had broken up on Sunday. Days after Valentine's Day. I would not comment much. Can only say their relationship started with them being very good friends. Things progressed then on from there. They shared a very volatile relationship. Breaking up previously as well. Now, he say it is better to remain as good friends.

My qn now, is it really possible to return to the state of good friends? I mean, once you have decided to take the 1st step to progress your relationship? Is there really a chance for you to turn back? Can you really forget all that had happened? Will you let the memories control you? I feel, it really is a gamble. Does God play dice with the Universe? Einstein says no though...

Saw Get Real on CNA today. It says, Marriage is never only about the 2 party. But when either party decides to get just a little selfish with all the extra thrills outside, all the others suffer. It there really a 7 year itch? Will couples ever get bored with each other? Can they, and should they ever forgive an affair? Can you accept someone foreign into your family? Every wrong step is a step deeper into the abyss. What is the threshold that 1 can take? Qns, qns more burning qns...

Relationship is complex. But it is the complexity that makes it unique. Everyone has a story to tell. An exclusive that only those closest to you will understand.

I have no idea why am I posting all these. Perhaps cos the 'personal crisis' have got something to do with the topic in discussion? Eh, don't care. This is what's on my mind now.

Yes it is fragile. Once broken can never be returned or repaired to the original state. Scars are forever. Handle with the utmost care. Please?


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