Sunday, December 22, 2013

About being nice

Quoting a friend today, "Sometimes you do things that are necessary but don't necessarily make you happy. But are just as important."

I don't always play nice. I have my foul days. Days whereby I can be the most unforgiving and nasty. I've ever not speak to someone for about 6 months, despite seeing each other everyday. I've turn nasty upon one of my best friends and things got ugly with words. In my weak defense, these are mutual la, a both way thing. Haha.

What I'm trying to say is. I don't think I hide my emotions very well. Especially when I'm personally annoyed or irritated. I'm trying, I'm learning. So my most effective way of preventing such is to avoid the encounter all together. Although sometimes it might be seen as disrespectful, anti social, or whatever. I guess it is the best way out.

Don't take nice people for granted. One day they will find people who don't.


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