Monday, October 29, 2007

Snow. Wolf. Lake.

Brings back the memories. :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

It is late

Have you ever felt certain songs should only be listened to at certain time of the day?

Like say Phantom of the Opera is best late at night, in the wee hours. For me, it just brings out the 'flavour' of the song. In fact it applies to the entire POTO soundtrack.

Maybe I am just weird.

You can't please everyone. Live with it.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The fat lady

From Wikipedia:

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings is a proverb, essentially meaning that one shouldn't assume the outcome of some activity (frequently a sports game) until it has actually finished.

This phrase in turn refers to the impression by many that at the end of every opera, an aria is sung by a heavy-set woman dressed like a valkyrie. A famous example of this is Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen (aka the Ring cycle). This is a set of 4 separate operas (lasting about 15 hours), in which the final scene includes Brünnhilde (a very large Valkyrie) singing, and then riding onto Siegfried's funeral pyre. The set collapses and the entire cycle ends up in the Rhine river, where it started. The "fat lady" is often illustrated with a horned helmet, a spear, possibly a shield, and possibly blond braids (to suggest Scandinavian ancestry).

Does it answer your question Mel? :P

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


In the midst of too much $%$%@@.

Here's a damn old school and cheesy phrase that was from a movie long ago. Enjoy.


Publish Post

I think I have rant enough about school. But I guess it will never be over till the fat lady sings.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Much to do *edited*

There are some things which I might want to blog about. But.

I guess I will come back later tonight.


School really sucks. Enough said.

It is recess week this week. More like project week to me in fact. Perhaps they should consider renaming it.

Anyway I kinda feel very %$^% now. Don't ask.

Just let me be. Don't ask and don't bother.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

I was officially killed by CAT today. Doesn't matter cos I don't think I will be the only one who died.

Am also falling sick. The itchy throat and running nose certainly doesn't help in any ways.

Thankfully the week is ending next week is the term break. Much needed break I suppose. And hopefully it will be a BREAK indeed. Looking forward to the dive in Underwater World. Haha though the pricing is a little steep.

Some times the people and things around you will make you want to take another perspective at everything.

Besides, with so many things running inside my head, it is pretty amazing how I managed to get things done sometimes.

Oh wells. The power of the human mind is limited by the person himself.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Election was just over. Congrats to those who got into the 7th Crew.

It was kinda expected that I won't get in, reasons aplenty. One of them was the fact that I wasn't a 'prominent' member of to begin with. After all, you cannot deny the fact that in such elections, it always boil down to the fact that whoever is more 'prominent' will eventually get in.

You can't blame anyone for it cos it is that simple fact that these people have been the ones running the show and organising all the events and stuff. And they really deserve this recognition for their effort. And I know everything will be in safe hands with these people running it.

This was an experience that I found enriching and I certainly won't regret it. Not getting into crew is certainly not the end of the world. After all I didn't expect much from it anyway. And no expectations = no disappointments, it says for itself. :)

Anyway, all the best to the up and coming Crew for 2008.