Sunday, January 25, 2009

Friday, 3rd airport trip in less than a week.
And CNY is tomorrow already.
Perhaps a combination of insomnia and feeling like a fat slob prompted me to wake up so early and headed to the east side for a spin.

In any event, I think the 3 letter word has crept into mE.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dinner @ T3 on Tuesday, follow by some dessert. Nice. Yum. Sinful.

Some indulgence in the week.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

With the amount of people flying off for exchanges, it made me wonder why I am not. Haha. Oh wells. I stand by my decision. I believe something good will come out of it. Else. Then just too bad. Live with it.

Surprise on Friday went well.
A trip to the airport to send a friend off, capped off by Nasi Lemak and shemales sightings.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My heart is as chill as the cold wind blow.

Indeed. When the cold wind blow.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's been some time since I blogged. Nothing interesting I suppose? Actually I don't think I can even recall what has happened. Haha.

Anyway those few days were great.

Friday, January 02, 2009

2009 arrived. Backdate a little.

2008 was a mess.
Everything in it.
Some sweet, memorable, desirable.
Others mostly forgettable, regrettable, impossible.
A large chunk of the latter, actually.
I got lost somewhere in it.
Disillusioned. Confused. Foolish.
I know I still am.
Choices made.
Outcomes to live with.
I know I can never live with some of the things that I have done in 2008.

Here's to 2009.........