Collecting dust I'm afraid. I'm afraid I have nothing to report on. Except for attending some dinners here and there; helping a friend move house; survived the many thunderstorms in the wee hours; catching up on some much needed reading time; finally buying ONE shelf and celebrating Mid Autumn.
So, here goes..
Lending attendance for 中元节, actually it was for the free dinner. Rofl
The last of many steamboat dinners that I had over the past month.
And marked it with such a cute looking cake,
and cutlery!
Actually it was SQ's birthday,
except he had totally no idea that he's gonna end up like this minutes later..
Remember I said the last steamboat, I lied..
Moving for James, and you know who's doing the moving if I'm taking the picture. *gasp!* haha
His super empty and uncompleted neighourhood.
The irony of the sunset looking nicer on my screen while taking the screen of the iphone than that of it appearing on the iphone's screen itself. Wtf did I just say?!
James certainly fed us well after. THANK YOU!
The first of many zi chars
Polished dinner after the run.
The crab
End of an era, thanks for being around while we were growing up. #StoriesAbout3310ThatYouWillTellYourKidsNextTime #BrickPhone
2 issues behind time.
Sugar is a poison by itself when consumed at high doses
So deadly yet attractive
Nice to see the clear skies once in a while.
So yes I finally bought ONE shelf which almost didn't make it home.
There's something fun about DIY
However, not when the largest hammer you found can fit nicely into your palm. Lmao..
At least we have some results!
Mid-autumn barbeque
Charcoal manufacturer with a very cute CSR message
Lights, lanterns, sparklers and a loud surprise complete with shattered glass.
Balls to you