A lot has been said about the customer service of our telcos, esp the red and green friends. You gotta experience it first hand to truly understand. No experience with the sun yet, so I can't tell for that.
After the saga with the green friend previously over cable internet, I was given the chance tonight to experience the red. Abstract as follows:
"Customers seeking technical support will be pleased to know they are available from 8am and midnight, 7 days a week including public holidays."(real message from the helpline, I didn't make it up)
Wheee! Awesome-est message that one can hear when calling them @ 2am in the morning. Of course I'm please. No indefinite holding on the line, just a friendly automated lady telling you promptly that.
In other words, "Hello suckers, we are the largest company by market capitalisation on the SGX with a combined mobile subscriber base of 285 million customers across all region, but we can't be fucked to even have a 24/7 technical support helpline. If you are really urgent, you will wait until 8am for someone to answer your queries. As for why you are paying so much every month, it is because we have kickass bonuses to pay our execs for doing nothing."