was the time I started writing, and it was the post number.
Dinner was at Changi Village just now. It never fails to bring back the memories of the time spent at this familiar area. It seems only like yesterday that we just ran those routes, those running routes that occupy our mornings, everyday. Dinner was the usual noodles finished off with the usual red tea dessert. Full. Satisfied. Great.
Spent a great deal of time chatting over various topics at various places. Today was all about travelling from places to places, one cold environment to another. At one point, the scale read 23 degree Celsius, not sure if anyone realised it too. I am secretly observant sometimes(?) I never made it a point to purposely remember what have been discussed, but always I can seem to recall whenever the need arise. Weird. Haha. Oh wells. Witnessing insane queues for supposedly nice food is what I think nothing new to Singaporeans. The word of mouth is powerful. For every instance intended, or otherwise. I know.
So I left the shop with a single purchase. I know. I should not have. But it was a Chinese book. So it should not add towards the pile waiting at home right? Haha, an argument that I cannot win no matter what. Walking around the bookshop, it was rather empty for a Saturday afternoon. The air conditioning was surprising friendly despite the wet weather and sparse shopper population. Book shops, tend to have this therapeutic effect on me, not to mention it is a great place to people watch sometimes, sometimes. It was after brunch at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. A cup of Moroccan Mint tea latte was a good substitute for the C poison that we have grown to love and hate. Caffeine. It was around noon time.
So I left home just before it poured heavily. Horrendous jam on the CTE, at least traffic wasn't at a standstill, just slow. Massive queue at the Cairnhill exit. *Firefox crashed unexpected on me at this time of writing, was pretty thankful for the auto saving function the the blog, else this will just be a simple one liner of unpleasant words :)* Early shoppers to town on a wet Saturday morning I guess? I was online for awhile. I woke up to a phone call. A wake up call actually. But I didn't take the call. Not because I didn't wake, but because I sense that the weather was bad. It was dark at that given time, it felt colder in the air condition. But I woke text-ed the caller. It was just a simple 3 hour sleep sleep/nap from the morning earlier.
So this Saturday was spent like that. And by now my wake up song/music, as some of you may know which it is, has perhaps spun 19 times on the loop in my iTunes since I started writing. No particular reason why I chose it though. It was perhaps one of those nights. Cool wind through the room, a tendency for rain to fall any time at this time for the past few nights, looking at photos of places which brings back some memories, intentionally and not. Perhaps saying that we cannot remember is, making a subconscious choice burying the memory away. Perhaps? There is some truth in it for certain people, sometimes at least.
Something to end, I cannot see myself ever arriving at that point now, or even wearing it, I don't even dare to think about it. At least not with how things are going now. For those of you who has not a single clue what I am referring to, speculate not, discuss not, speak not, ask not. For individual interpretation is subjective.
Every event has its chance of the outcome turning out into the very result that you started out not to achieve.
So it spun 26 times. Good night.