2012 can be classed as a year of renewal and changes.
I traded in the BB for a touchscreen phone, yes a touchscreen that I said I won't be caught using. Well the bb lasted me for a good 31months, the longest I've ever had for a phone. One change that was hastened by the change in the data plans.
I revisited the depths of the sea once again after a long hiatus. Didn't dive that frequently but the plans are underway for the next adventure in March. Restarted playing badminton again too.
Replaced my worn shoes and gotten some hole-y socks and started clocking longer distances again.
Met a generous share of ungracious locals, tried to play nice and be less critical. I admit I didn't fare that much better in the latter, well.
Diablo 3 launched amid fanfare, but it didn't quite provide the addiction like the past. Growing up priorities changed. While I'm at it, I had to deal with all kinds of weird dreams from hungry cats to zombies to trains and weird people sometimes in a supermarket.
Read two stories that could have been a lot nicer with a thicker plot. Namely the Fifty shades trilogy and 1Q84. Felt certain aspects of the stories had the potential to be developed further instead of simply being written off or left open ended.
Experimented with acupuncture for the first time on e foot. Pleasant experience considering that the problem got fixed, wasn't too bothered by the needles either.
Said goodbye to someone really dear in Oct, she should be in a better place now. Perhaps I'll see you again when I'm at the end of my journey, until then you'll always be remembered.
Revisited my wordpress for some off record posts.
Deafening heartbeats and the sound of silence in the night.
Cussing like a sailor as the clock struck 0000h on the 1st. What a way to start the year with.
Making no attempts at making resolutions that will remain unfulfilled, will take things as they come. e
Till then, it is 364 days to 2014.