So here I am back from my 1st ICT cycle. It is damn fun la! Except perhaps some $#@% people lo. What's new man?
So I booked in early Monday morning and started the day with a run. A very relaxing run along the broad walk of Changi. And the rest of the day was spent refreshing and tying down our detachment sop drills. Amazingly, there isn't any stores to do for the next few days of outfield. Woots! CQ is damn power la!
Come Tuesday, it is the start of a 3d2n free and easy tour of Pulau Tekong. And we are staying in the 6* Hotel Patrol Base along Rocky Hill! Woots!! Taking the fast craft there, it seems really fast. Perhaps last time we were always too tired and doze off in it. That's why we never thought it is fast. Guess what? It rained!! Wahahhah, prophecy came true again. 3 Coy is the rain bringer. Remember the time when we were still chao recruits, we arrived on Tekong for our BMT field camp. Prior to that, Tekong has not rained for like 2 weeks. And upon setting foot there, it rained like nobody's business. And all the rained resulted in all the mud, and all the mud resulted in the turn out... Ok nvm, that is story for another time.
Yup so it rained. But ok la, was just a shower. So we did our drills and settled down rather early in the evening. Dinner time was picnic time. With the jelly beans, green tea, nutella, biscuit, breakfast bar... It hardly seems it is outfield at all. So the night was spent chatting under the stars on the lush green pasture and falling asleep. Tekong is really a good place for star gazing. But then again. Hahha. Wed was the highlight of the tour as there was a chance of going back camp that night! But before anything else, the rain came again. This time, it was rather wet. Sigh. Did out ambush and withdrew to the jetty. Then the news hit us that we cannot go back that night.
Surprisingly, we are not all disappointed and we never started bitching and moaning. We actually started cleaning our rifle, and cleaning it very seriously. I swear to you that the chances of you seeing what happened that night if we were NSF is absolutely ZERO. So come Thursday we returned to camp and settled the stores. And again, the speed at which these things are done are at light speed. So really NS Men are different from NSFs. I guess it is perhaps when we were NSF the timing wasn't really followed. Book out timing was usually 4 hrs after the stipulated, so we grew to couldn't care less as no matter how fast we did things, things never happen on time. But it is a totally different story for NS Men. 1730 meant 1730. So yup, the incentive is there.
Ok so we booked out to Settlers cafe at Katong. And then to this HK cafe opposite for dim sum supper before going back camp to play Monopoly. And boy it is Monopoly with a twist. One with the MnA of all parties till it is impossible to bankrupt someone as everyone has a share in somebody else's properties. So there u have it. We decided just to sleep at 0210 haha. Friday is Out Processing! Admin matters are never our favourite as they are always damn drag ass. So eventually Out Pro at 1551.
And there you have it, a very slack 1st in camp for me. 5 more to go. Sigh. Hah
Sat, 140707, SMUX Mock Camp!
Arrgh! 0900 at Changi Beach! Wtf, I was just there yesterday la! So darn far. OK nvm. Back to the topic.
Mock camp got off to a start with the finale game. Wasn't too bad. Except for some improvements which we felt would make it much more fun! Then it is lunch at Changi V.
Made our way to KAP for the trekking segment of the camp. Same route as last year. But walking this year it seems so much shorter. But then again, it is damn MUDDY! No way to avoid!

Omg the mud!

At the tunnel entrance.

On the railway near Clementi.
But the stroll was alright la albeit humid. And we ended up at Pandan Reservoir again.

The CC, whose toilet we did not destroy. Not yet at least.

Block with some old school painting on it.
Biking route was a little different from last year. There isn't Jurong Hill! Sigh. The route is much easier this year. I guess the ice skating segment shld compensate for the view of Jurong Hill. Ending at JEC, we took the train back to school for debrief.
Bathed at the gym and supper at the prata place down Bencoolen st there. I knocked out soon after while the others played some games. Went home in the morning and continue to knock out from 0900-1713. Hahha
Went to register for the Half Marathon with KH. Sign up for Zonkie and YH also. 10k Wave Run is this Sunday. Better start running again.